' Apex College, Makrana
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Goal & Objectives

Goals and Objectives:

  • To prepare well aware, sensitive and esocially useful students who are physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually sound with adequate intelligence, environment and entrepreneurial quotient who can significantly contribute in societal and national development by thinking globally and acting locally
  • To develop Personal, Intellectual, Professional, Social and Life attributes among students

To achieve this, the College imparts education in a systematic way focussing on

1: Curricular Aspects

We understand that Curriculum & syllabus is one of the basic pillars of quality education. It's crucial to have a relevant, detailed, well-organized syllabus to boost the student learning outcomes & skills and it is ensured in our institution.

2: Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation

It takesCurricular Aspectsone step ahead. It involves teachers implementing teaching-learning activities & keeping a tab on the results to enhance student progress. It is ensured in Apex College. 

3: Research, Innovation, and Extensions

Institution focusses on directing students towards research & innovation and also addressing real-life problems & solutions to enable students to grow personally.

4: Infrastructure and Learning Resources

The institution has good classrooms, labs, edTech tools, and various other infrastructure & resources to ensure a good educational environment.

5: Student Support and Progression

The institution pays attention to students’ requirements and guide them at every step of their academic life.

6: Governance, Leadership and Management

We understand that Faculty empowerment is vital when it comes to the quality of education. The institution plans strategies for institutional growth by mentoring faculties.

7: Institutional Values & Best Practices

We ensure the best practices by following the institutional values. The  institutiondevelops  values & then follow them with utmost honesty.