' Apex College, Makrana
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Technology has become a part of our daily life. We can say that we are living in a technology era and it has made everything easy for us. Technology and the internet have made the money transitions secure, fast, and free from much human interference. The process of globalization is a gift of technology and due to the technology and its benefits, the concept of E-governance is introduced in India. The ‘E’ in E-governance signifies electronic and E-governance means the governance with Information technology. The increasing demand for transparency in administration, faster information transfer, and other demands that can be fulfilled by the E-governance only.

The application of IT is fairly widespread all sectors in India and particularly in the education sector in all over the world. Most of the Institutions are having their digital portal to provide the services to various stakeholders of the education. Our education system is disordered because of a lack of infrastructure, obsolete syllabi, scattered government policies, inappropriate funds, unqualified staff, high dropout rate, un-employability of graduate students and a lot. This is because of the current system that lacks of monitoring, evaluation of students and staff, no coordination with industry, no uniform policy by government, no proper utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and e-Governance, no transparency in functioning of institutions, visionary leadership etc. By implementing e-Governance in education sector, most of the problems will be dissolved. At the root, it has the power of e-Governance which provides good governance, empowers the stakeholders, cutting the process cost, time, and improves the administrative performance (e-Administration), interacting with industry and society (e-Service and e-Society), providing swift services and so on


The purpose of implementing e-governance is to enhance good governance. Good governance is generally characterized by participation, transparency and accountability. The recent advances in communication technologies and the Internet provide opportunities to transform the relationship between Institute administrations in a new way, thus contributing to the achievement of good governance goals. The use of information technology can increase the broad involvement of employees in the process of governance at all levels by providing the possibility of on-line discussion groups and by enhancing the rapid progress and efficiency of pressure groups. Advantages for the Institute involve that the College may provide better service in terms of time, making governance more efficient and more effective. In addition, the transaction costs can be lowered and services become more accessible.


E-governance is an important tool to the governing body of the institute. In general, it provides following advantages to the administration:

  • Empowerment of faculties, students and encouragement of their participation in governance process.
  • Transparency and absolute clarity in administration, governing and admission process.
  • Increase efficiency of faculties and of administration process.
  • It empowers students and parents to gather information regarding any course, college, department of universities, government policies and get involved in the process of decision making.
  • E-Governance strengthens the very fabric of democracy by ensuring greater student, staff and parent’s participation at all levels of governance in universities and institutions.
  • E-Governance leads to automation of services, ensuring that information regarding every work of public welfare is easily available to all stakeholders apart from geographic and language barriers.
  • This revolutionizes the way governments and universities functioning, ensuring much more transparency in their functioning, and thereby eliminating corruption.
  • As the information regarding every activity of government is easily available, it would make every university department responsible as they know that every action of theirs is closely monitoring and audited.
  • Proper implementation of e-Governance practices make it possible for students and parents to get their work done online thereby sparing themselves of unnecessary hassles of traveling to the respective offices.
  • Successful implementation of e-Governance practices offer better delivery of services to students, improved interactions with business and industry, students empowerment, better management, greater convenience, revenue growth, cost reductions etc.
  • Availability and quick circulation of material may increase the timeliness or relevance of material being presented.

Areas of implementation of e-governance in educational sector are:

E-Administration: It involves the use of ICT and e-Governance in order to improve administration processes and the internal working of the departments within an educational organization.

E-Services: The main aim to improve the delivery of services to students by providing interactive services. Examples are: Online admission, online syllabus, request for certificates, online results, issuing on-line ID cards etc.


List of E-Services / Portal available for College purpose


E-Governance Portal



Admission & Support Services Module



Recruitment Portal



College Accounts & Finance Management Module



College Internal Exam Work Module



MDS University (Pre Exam, Exam Work Portal)



College Library Management Software



Feedback (Collection +Analysis) Software



Grievance Redresaal Portal (Internal College)



Curriculum Delivery, Planning, Monitoring Portal



Certificate Courses Portal (For Enrollment, Examining & Certificate Generation purpose)  



College Own Email Facility



Shala Darpan Portal for Students Internship Purpose
